Gambar Hiasan Sahaja


Di dalam sebuah bandar ini terdapat sebuah kedai yg unik iaitu KEDAI MENJUAL ISTERI. Kedai ini dibuka selepas tengah malam. Kedai yang menjual isteri ini akan dibuka di mana lelaki dapat memilih wanita untuk dijadikan sebagai calon isteri. Syarat untuk masuk kedai tersebut adalah seperti berikut:-


Kedai tersebut mempunyai 6 tingkat di mana setiap tingkat akan menunjukkan kelompok calon isteri. Semakin tinggi tingkatnya, semakin tinggi pula nilai wanitanya. Kamu boleh memilih wanita di tingkat yang kamu suka. Jika tidak berkenan, kamu juga boleh memilih calon isteri di tingkat berikutnya tetapi dengan syarat tidak boleh turun lagi ke tingkat sebelumnya kecuali untuk keluar dari kedai.

Suatu hari seorang lelaki pergi ke kedai tersebut untuk mencari calon isteri. Di setiap tingkat terdapat tulisan seperti ini:-

Tingkat 1: Wanita di tingkat ini taat kepada Tuhan & pandai memasak.

Lelaki itu tersenyum. Kemudian dia naik ke tingkat 2. 

Tingkat 2: Wanita di tingkat ini taat kepada Tuhan, pandai memasak & lemah lembut.

Lelaki itu tersenyum lagi dan naik lagi ke tingkat 3.

Tingkat 3: Wanita di tingkat ini taat kepad a Tuhan, pandai memasak, lemah lembut & cantik.

"Wow!!! Ujar lelaki tersebut. Tawaran semakin menarik. Lelaki tersebut semakin ghairah dan terus naik ke tingkat 4.

Tingkat 4: Wanita di tingkat ini taat kepad a Tuhan, pandai memasak, lemah lembut, amat cantik dan sayang kepada kanak-kanak.

Lelaki tersebut berkata, "Ini benar-benar membuat aku serba salah dan hampir tak percaya!!!"

Dia berfikir pastinya tingkat 5 tawarannya lebih hebat lalu dia terus mendaki ke tingkat 5.

Tingkat 5: Wanita di tingkat ini taat kepada Tuhan, pandai memasak, lemah lembut, sangat cantik, sayang kanak-kanak & sayang ibu bapa.

Dia tergoda dengan tawaran yang diberikan dan mengambil keputusan untuk berhenti dan memilih calon isteri di tingkat 5. Tiba-tiba lelaki tersebut menukar fikirannya lalu dia bertindak melangkah ke tingkat 6. Alangkah terkejutnya lelaki tersebut apabila membaca tulisan...

Tingkat 6: Anda adalah pengunjung yang ke 9,989,686,898. TIADA wanita di tingkat ini. Tingkat ini hanya semata-mata pembuktian untuk LEKAKI yang TIDAK PERNAH PUAS. Terima kasih kerana telah meluangkan masa untuk berbelanja di KEDAI ISTERI. Mohon hati-hati ketika keluar dari sini.

SAUDARAKU, setiap dari kita tidak ada yang sempurna. Tidak ada satu pun yang mampu memuaskan kita di dunia ini. ISTERI CANTIK, SUAMI TAMPAN, JAWATAN TINGGI, KEKAYAAN, RUMAH BESAR, KERETA MEWAH, DUIT BERJUTA dan macam-macam lagi. Kelihatannya begitu GAH dilihat di mata MANUSIA namun kita sering TERLUPA yang itu semua hanya bersifat SEMENTARA.

Oleh itu, hanya dengan RASA SYUKUR, JUJUR, IKHLAS dan BERLAPANG DADA terhadap segala yang dihadirkan oleh Allah SWT buat kita, yang mampu membuat HIDUP kita begitu INDAH dan TENANG kerana kita pasti merasa PUAS terhadap apa jua yang Allah SWT berikan kepada kita. Semoga kita terus ISTIQAMAH. Wallahu'aklam...

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Al Ain : Kenapa Tidak Boleh Upload/Siarkan Gambar Bayi Al Ain Bukan Perkara Main-main.

Perlu kita fahami, bayi yang berumur kurang dari 40 hari berisiko kepada 4 keadaan, 2 keadaan permasalahan rohani, 2 keadaan permasalahan fizikal. Bagi permasalahan rohani, melibatkan Ain dan Ummu Sibyan. Sang faqir garistebalkan pada posting kali ini adalah permasalahan rohani, iaitu Ain dan Ummu Sibyan. Ummu Sibyan adalah dari kalangan kaum jin yang gemar mendengar tangisan anak-anak kecil terutamanya bayi, maka bagi mengelakkan gangguan ummu sibyan ini, maka Sayyiduna RasulILLAHi SallALLAHu Alaihi Wassalam telah memberi panduan , antaranya:

"Sesiapa yang mendapat cahaya mata maka diazankan pada telinga kanannya dan diiqamahkan pada telinga kirinya maka akan dijauhkan dari gangguan Ummu Sibyan (sejenis jin yang membawa penyakit)- (Riwayat al-Baihaqi). " Selain dari itu, boleh jua diikhtiarkan diazankan secara perlahan di telinga kanan bayi tersebut setiap kali masuk waktu solat 5 waktu, hikmah bagi ikhtiar ini sangat bermanfaat, ini antara amalan yang dilakukan oleh Syeikh Wan Abdullah lakukan kepada anakandanya iaitu Al-Alim Allamah al-Arif ar-Rabbani Syeikh Wan Daud bin Syeikh Wan Abdullah sewaktu Tok Syeikh Daud Patani (gelaran kepada Syeikh Daud Al Fatani) masih bayi. Cuma, berkaitan dengan gambar atau bayi muda (1hari-40hari), ianya lebih kepada Al Ain. Permasalahan Al-Ain ini luas perbincangannya, kerana ia juga terkenal sebagai sihir tanpa jin, malahan masalah ini sebenarnya dilihat lebih serius berbanding permainan sihir lain.

Al Ain ini seperti yang dimaktubkan di dalam hadith :

عَنْ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ عَنْ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ الْعَيْنُ حَقٌّ وَلَوْ كَانَ شَيْءٌ سَابَقَ الْقَدَرَ سَبَقَتْهُ الْعَيْنُ وَإِذَا اسْتُغْسِلْتُمْ فَاغْسِلُوا

Maksudnya : Dari Ibnu Abbas RodhiyALLAHu Anhu, Nabi SallALLAHu Alaihi Wasallam bersabda : “Ain (mata jahat) itu benar-benar adanya, jika seandainya ada sesuatu yang mendahului qadar,maka akan didahului oleh ain.
Apabila kamu diminta untuk mandi maka mandilah." (hadith riwayat Muslim)

عَنْ عَائِشَةَ قَالَتْ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ اسْتَعِيذُوا بِاللَّهِ فَإِنَّ الْعَيْنَ حَقٌّ

Maksudnya : Dari Aisyah RodhiyALLAHu Anha,RasulULLAH SallALLAHu Alaihi Wasallam bersabda :" Mintalah kalian perlindungan kepada ALLAH dari ain (mata jahat) kerana sesungguhnya ain itu haq (benar)" (HR ibnu Majah).
Ain adalah penyakit atau masalah yang disebabkan oleh pengaruh buruk pandangan mata, iaitu pandangan mata yang disertai rasa takjub atau bahkan iri dan dengki terhadap apa yang dilihatnya.
Terdapat dua jenis ain, iaitu : ain insi (‘ain berunsur manusia) dan ‘ain jinni (‘ain berunsur jin). Malahan ain sering berlaku kepada bayi-bayi kecil, yang mengakibatkan:

1.Tangisan yang tidak munasabah atau tidak bersebab (kecuali masalah cholic atau hernia) yang tidak berhenti, tubuh terkejut-kejut tanpa sebab yang jelas, tidak mahu menyusu kepada ibunya tanpa sebab yang jelas.

عَنْ عَائِشَةَ قَالَتْ دَخَلَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فَسَمِعَ صَوْتَ صَبِيٍّ يَبْكِي فَقَالَ مَا لِصَبِيِّكُمْ هَذَا يَبْكِي فَهَلَّا اسْتَرْقَيْتُمْ لَهُ مِنْ الْعَيْنِ

Aisyah RodhiyALLAHu Anha berkata : “Suatu ketika Nabi (SallALLAHu Alaihi Wasallam) masuk (rumahnya) kemudian mendengar bayi sedang menangis. Baginda (SallALLAHu Alaihi Wasallam) berkata,”Mengapa bayi kalian menangis? Mengapa tidak kalian bacakan ruqyah-ruqyah (supaya sembuh) dari penyakit ‘ain?) (Shahihul jami’ 988 n0.5662)

2. Keadaan tubuh yang sangat kurus kering (seperti kurang zat)

عَنْ جَابِرَ بْنَ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ رَخَّصَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لِآلِ حَزْمٍ فِي رُقْيَةِ الْحَيَّةِ وَقَالَ لِأَسْمَاءَ بِنْتِ عُمَيْسٍ مَا لِي أَرَى أَجْسَامَ بَنِي أَخِي ضَارِعَةً تُصِيبُهُمْ الْحَاجَةُ قَالَتْ لَا وَلَكِنْ الْعَيْنُ تُسْرِعُ إِلَيْهِمْ قَالَ ارْقِيهِمْ

Dari Jabir RodhiyALLAHu Anhu bahawa RasulULLAHi sallALLAHu Alaihi Wasallam memberi rukhsah (keringanan) bagi anak-anak Ja’far menggunakan bacaan ruqyah dari sengatan ular. Baginda (SallALLAHu Alaihi Wasallam) bersabda kepada Asma’ binti Umais,”Mengapa Aku lihat badan anak-anak saudaraku ini kurus kering? Apakah mereka kelaparan?” Asma’ menjawab : “tidak, akan tetapi mereka tertimpa ‘Ain.” Kata Baginda (SallALLAHu Alaihi Wasallam) ,”Kalau begitu bacakan ruqyah bagi mereka! (HR Muslim, Ahmad dan Baihaqi)

3. Penyakit kulit yang tidak atau sukar sembuh,contohnya ekzema dan seangkatan dengannya. Dari hadith dan permasalahan di atas, cukup untuk menghuraikan apakah Ain dan bagaimanakah ianya terjadi? Permasalahan ain ini bukan sahaja berlaku akibat rasa iri hati atau takjub (tanpa kembalikan semula takjub tersebut kepada ALLAH), tetapi juga berlaku apabila pemuji memuji bayi tersebut setelah melakukan dosa-dosa mulut, contohnya mengumpat atau memaki hamun orang lain, maka tarikan dari perbuatan tersebut menjadi warid kepada kalamnya, iaitu apabila dia memuji seseorang itu cantik, maka warid dari keburukan kalam sebelum itu diterbalikkan dari apa yang dipuji sebelum itu(cantik lawannya hodoh), ini berikutan fitrah bayi atau kanak-kanak yang bersih, begitu juga keadaannya jika mata si pemuji sebelum melihat bayi atau kanak-kanak tersebut ada melihat perkara-perkara maksiat, maka ianya akan terjadi hal yang serupa.

NauzubILLAHi min Zalik.

Kebanyakan kes yang sang faqir terima di TIAF yang melibatkan bayi menangis tidak berhenti, selain dari masalah cholic(kembung perut) dan hernia(angin pasang), ianya kebanyakan melibatkan Ain, yang sering didakwa oleh perawat-perawat sebelum itu dengan saka, sihir, pedamping dan sebagainya, yang meleret sehingga timbul dakwaan yang pelik wal aneh, padahal ianya Ain semata-mata. (Sabo je le) Permasalahan dengan Al Ain ini, ada dua cara dalam menghadapinya, sama ada MENGELAK darinya atau merawatnya.
Berkaitan dengan merawat, ianya melibatkan banyak kaedah. Cuma sang faqir kongsikan salah satu darinya di sini, yang paling ringkas. Iaitu diberi mandi dengan air bekasan wudhuk ibu kepada bayi tersebut (bertabaruk) Bersabit dengan hadith :

عَنْ أَبِي أُمَامَةَ بْنِ سَهْلِ بْنِ حُنَيْفٍ أَنَّهُ قَالَ رَأَى عَامِرُ بْنُ رَبِيعَةَ سَهْلَ بْنَ حُنَيْفٍ يَغْتَسِلُ فَقَالَ مَا رَأَيْتُ كَالْيَوْمِ وَلَا جِلْدَ مُخْبَأَةٍ فَلُبِطَ سَهْلٌ فَأُتِيَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَامِرًا فَتَغَيَّظَ عَلَيْهِ وَقَالَ عَلَامَ يَقْتُلُ أَحَدُكُمْ أَخَاهُ أَلَّا بَرَّكْتَ اغْتَسِلْ لَهُ فَغَسَلَ عَامِرٌ وَجْهَهُ وَيَدَيْهِ وَمِرْفَقَيْهِ وَرُكْبَتَيْهِ وَأَطْرَافَ رِجْلَيْهِ وَدَاخِلَةَ إِزَارِهِ فِي قَدَحٍ ثُمَّ صُبَّ عَلَيْهِ فَرَاحَ مَعَ النَّاسِ

Dari Abu Umamah bin Sahl bin Hunaif, dia berkata bahawa Amir bin Robi’ah melihat Sahl bin Hunaif sedang mandi, lalu berkatalah Amir : "Aku tidak pernah melihat (pemandangan) seperti hari ini, dan tidak pernah kulihat kulit yang tersimpan sebagus ini” Maka terpelantinglah Sahl(pengsan). Kemudian RasulULLAH sallALLAHu Alaihi Wasallam mendatangi Amir. Dengan tegas Baginda bersabda :”Atas sebab apa kamu hendak membunuh saudaranya? Mengapa kamu tidak memohonkan keberkahan (kepada hal yang kamu lihat)? Mandilah untuknya!Maka Amir mandi dengan menggunakan suatu bekas air, dia mencuci wajahnya, dua tangan, kedua siku, kedua lutut,hujung-hujung kakinya, dan bahagian dalam sarungnya. Kemudian air bekas mandinya itu dituangkan kepada Sahl, lantas dia (Sahl) sedar dan berlalulah bersama manusia. (HR Malik dalam Al-Muwaththo 2/938, Ibnu Majah 3509, disohihkan oleh Ibnu Hibban 1424.

Sanadnya sohih, para perawinya tsiqah : Zadul Ma’ad tahqiq Syu’aib al-Arnauth dan Abdul Qodir al-Arnauth 4/150 cetakan tahun 1424 H). Merujuk kepada hadith tersebut, tentu menjadi kesukaran untuk mencari siapa yang memberi Ain, malahan jika tahu siapa yang mengAinkan anak kita, bagaimana mungkin untuk kita jelaskan kepadanya, maka diqiaskan dengan tabaruk air wudhuk ibu(berserta doa), ditadahkan di dalam bekas atau besen, seterusnya, diberi mandi kepada bayi atau anak yang terkena ain. Untuk kaedah ini, tidak tertakluk kepada Ain sahaja, boleh juga ikhtiar bagi permasalahan anak yang degil atau bermasalah dengan pelajaran.

Antara kaedah mengelakkan Ain dari berlaku: Setiap kali anak menerima pujian dari sesiapa sahaja, letakkan tangan kanan di atas kepalanya, dan ucapkan Taawudz (di dalam hati, kemudian mohon perlindungan ALLAH dari segala mara bahaya). Pada malam hari sebelum ibubapa tidur, bacakan Al Ikhlas 3x, dan tiupkan di ubun-ubun bayi perlahan-lahan(sambil dalam hati berdoa mohon perlindungan ALLAH) sehingga habis nafas, nafas yang akhir ditiup sehingga ke kaki dengan kadar menghembus.

Kepada ibubapa, terpulang di atas perkiraan kalian untuk ikhtiar perlindungan anak-anak kalian, terutama yang memperolehi 'new baby' atau yang anak mereka sedang sakit, pertimbangkanlah keputusan untuk upload gambar anak-anak anda.

Kebanyakan kes Ain yang sang faqir terima di klinik TIAF, 98% daripadanya adalah asbab meng'upload' gambar bayi mereka di facebook atau laman sosial yang lain, tambahan pula bayi mereka sedang bermasalah sewaktu itu.

NauzubILLAHi min zalik. Semoga perlindungan ALLAH beserta sekalian yang ikhlas dan faham dengan setiap amal perbuatan mereka. Wassalam.

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Pembuat Tatoo Yakuza Yang Kini Jadi Imam

Pembuat Tatoo Yakuza Yang Kini Jadi Imam

Pembuat Tatoo Yakuza Yang Kini Jadi Imam | Taki Takazawa, jika dilihat dari namanya sudah dapat diketahui bahawa dia adalah orang Jepun. Dengan ciri-ciri rambut panjang dan tubuh penuh dengan tato, membuatkannya kelihatan seperti ahli geng mafia Jepun, Yakuza. 

Dia adalah bekas tukang tato untuk anggota geng yang paling ditakuti di Jepun itu. Kerja sebagai 'tukang tato' itu telah dilakukannya selama 20 tahun.


Tapi pandangan negatif pada penampilan fizikalnya itu berubah apabila dia mengumandangkan Azan. Takazawa kini menjadi Imam di sebuah masjid di Ibu kota Tokyo. Setelah mengucapkan dua kalimat Syahadat, Takazawa menggunakan nama muslim Abdullah, yang bermaksud hamba Allah SWT. 

Dia menhenali Islam secara tidak sengaja di wilayah Shibuya. Takazawa melihat seseorang dengan kulit dan janggut putih. Orang itu juga mengenakan baju dan serban warna putih. 

"Orang itu memberikan sebuah kertas dan menyuruh saya membaca kalimat tertera bersama dia," ujarnya seperti dilaporkan oleh laman web 

Kalimat itu adalah Syahadat, pengakuan pada ke-esaan Allah SWT dan Muhammad SAW sebagai utusannya. Meskipun tidak faham secara keseluruhan, Takazawa pernah mendengar sepintas Allah dan Muhammad. Seperti kebanyakan penduduk Jepun, sebelum memeluk Islam Takazawa menganut aliran kepercayaan Shinto. 

Pertemuan dengan orang berserba putih itu masih di ingatan Takazawa. Dua tahun selepas memeluk Islam, dia bertemu lagi dengan seorang yang menjadi inspirasinya itu. "Dia pernah menjadi Imam di Masjid Nabawi, Kota Madinah, Arab Saudi. Saya bersyukur dapat bertemu dengannya, "katanya. 

Imam Masjid Nabawi itu meminta Takazawa untuk menjadi Imam di masjid di kawasan Shinjuku. Dia telah melaksanakan ibadah haji dan menimba ilmu beberapa bulan di Kota Mekah. Nama Takazawa menjadi terkenal dan dia menjadi seorang di antara lima imam Masjid besar di Jepun. 

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Oppo Find 7 Review

Oppo Find 7 review: Everything you need to know

written by: AnshuRanjan

In the Android market Oppo isn’t a household name, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with enough juices. The Chinese company’s earlier devices packed high end feature and fair amount of innovation. This time Oppo is back again with its flagship phone Find 7. The impeccable hardware, outstanding design and fair amount of innovation makes Oppo 7 stand out in the crowd.


The 5.5 inch full HD IPS display with Gorilla Glass 3 and 403ppi looks stunning. The display works fine even with few drops of water or with gloves. We tried using wet fingers screen works as intended. Oppo has also placed LED notification system, which looks quite pleasing. You can also configure this LED to turn on when charging or when battery juice is lower than 10%.
Oppo Find 7 comes with a 2800 mAh battery with removable cover. Under the hood you can expand storage capacity up to 128 GB with additional 32GB on-board memory. The flagship phone ships with Snapdragon 801 SoC. This 2.5 GHz quad core processor with 3 GB of RAM can run all your apps without any glitch.


The phone comes with an amazing 13 MP rear camera with Sony Exmor IMX214 sensor and a 5 MP front camera. Camera works pretty fine in dark and clicks some gorgeous photos, thanks to Sony sensor. The front camera also delivers pretty good images with its BIS sensor. The images clicked are quite good and are better than the one from most of the smartphones in the segment. 
Other than gorgeous videos, phone is also capable to capturing 4K video. This could be the main reason for you to buy this phone. 


The Oppo Find 7 runs a highly customised version of Android Jelly Bean 4.3 called ColorOS. This was a little disappointing as nearly all the flagship phones ships with Android 4.4 Kit Kat and Oppo Find 7. However, ColorOS is really a great visual experience from a regular Android. It doesn’t seem heavy and operated without a lag. Find 7 hosts the entire Google app along with tons of its own apps. 


The latest offering shows that this Chinese manufacture needs more attention as a serious Android hardware manufacturer. The device is as par with any flagship phone in the segment with utmost quality and performance. The only disappointing thing about the phone is that it is still being shipped with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean when Android Kit Kat is in the market for over 6 months. Being one of the cheapest smartphone in the segment will surely help to garner some sale margins but still it will have to face tough competition from established smartphone manufacturers. 

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What to look for in the best Smartphone’s today

What to look for in the best Smartphone’s today

 written by: dreamwriter The need for better communication has led to growth and development of communication devices with high technological features. The smart phone today combines the features of a basic cell phone, computing and internet technologies. These are made available by various product manufacturers and program developers who ensure the needs of majority are addressed through their innovative and creative designs. They are equipped with intelligence, data processing and visual display screens. Having hit the market in the year 1993, Smartphone have recorded tremendous growth with today almost every mobile phone user owning some king of Smartphone.

Samsung Galaxy s5 is among the latest entrants in the field of Smartphone’s. A product of Samsung Company, the Smartphone comes with enhanced features which include an evolved camera which enables the user to get much better and clearer snaps. Its main feature that is lacking in other devices is the health app that allows the users to track their health and fitness more effectively. This includes a heart rate monitor at the back of the phone. This is alongside its fingerprint scatter that enhances the security of the phone.

Specifications for the Samsung s5 are good to go by. With a 2.5 GHz quad-core processor enhanced by a 2GB RAM the phone has high processing capabilities which makes it ideal to process information, browse the internet and share files at the split of a second. It comes with a 2800mAh rechargeable battery with enough capacity to handle and support all the activities required by the user. It also comes with a 32 GB internal storage memory and can support up to 128 extra GB through a MicroSD. Display is one of the most essential components of a phone and it is for this reason that the phone is installed with 5.1 inches vibrant screen which has added biometrics. It is available in various versions which come to give the consumer a wider taste and they include the s5 LTE-A version and the s5 prime.

With the introduction of Samsung Galaxy s5, it is evident that more and more technological features will continue to be enhanced to cater for the ever growing needs of the consumer. They are also created with capacity to withstand external forces such as shocks, humidity and high temperatures thus allowing usage in varying circumstances. It is evident that this is not the last of the Smartphone’s as more and more will continue to hit the market with better and advanced features to cater for the growing demand.

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Asus Gadgets

Asus Gadgets

written by: calypso182

Asus laptops are considered to be tough; I have personally tried their laptops and have had a good experience with them over the years.

Despite having minor problems especially with the modifications and upgrades on the drive, the Asus laptops are remarkably resilient, and can withstand the number of uses. 

Because of several years of good experience using this gadget, I have decided to continue purchasing their products. 

One of the main strengths of Asus is the fact that it can withstand the test of time; it is compatible with Windows 7, even other editions and previous editions. 

Other features like the reliability with the drop test have also made this gadget on top of my list. I am prone with dropping gadgets and while my Asus laptop sustained a chip on the side, it was still able to maintain its function, the monitor after getting dropped was also able to stay intact. 

Asus brands have undergone immense pressure testing before they get released; all of the products are tested and installed with anti-shock hard drive which means that they can withstand the test of time.
The only problems I had with ASUs are the keyboard, they are a bit harder to clean, and they easily get detached. But the good thing about them is that they can easily be repaired and replaced. The latest versions of the keyboard are now spill proof and also have aluminum alloy reinforced construction.

The latest technology of Asus products will also include fingerprint readers, smart card support and the Intel is now easily traceable with the help of Anti-theft technology. It is now easier to trace the stolen laptops because of this technology. Not to mention, the battery also comes with a 3 year life warranty and is stronger than the traditional Li-ion battery which means you can use them for a much longer time, without needing to replace it immediately.

The product makers have also made sure that the new ASUS products are user friendly with the help of new features like ASUS Power Station II, with expansive connectivity. 

Product makers of ASUS, has improved the new batch of products considerably, and this is helping the brand become a steady name in the technology business. More people trust the brands and it is now able to infiltrate various markets especially in Asia like the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam as well as Cambodia due to the competitive features and prices. 

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Review of Lenovo Laptops

written by: creativewriter2

Technology has advanced so much and there have been many brands trying to outdo each other by releasing new products to the market every often. Lenovo is one such leading brand and they are known for user centered and performance oriented products. They are known for high class products and they offer a wide range for all types of users. They have basic laptops for family use, gaming notebooks for those who prefer higher performances and multimode stylish devices. Getting a Lenovo laptop online has become so easy and convenient and at a good price for sure. Online sites have more varieties in terms of prices, designs, features, colors and brands.

Lenovo have various series such as Z series, Y series, Yoga laptop series, S series, G series, Flex series, A series, T series, W series, L series, X series and B series. The ThinkPad 10 laptop is versatile and striking business tablet that has many accessories to promote productivity. It offers a keyboard dock and hardware upgrades that are much better. It allows note writing and chart drawing on the display and its compatibility with the desktop dock allows one to use it as a desktop computer anywhere.

The tablet which is 10.1 inches wide is preferred for daily usage due to its battery life that is above average. It goes for a price of $599 ranging to $868 and it’s more affordable as compared to other competitive brands in the same tablet category. It has a functional slate and a classy design with a classy and simple back. It weighs 1.3 pounds and it is light and thin making it compact and portable. It delivers sharp and detailed images and it has speakers mounted on its back that give accurate audio output. It comes with a stylus of 5.5 inches.It has many ports such as an audio jack of 3.5 millimeters, volume rocker, micro HDMI port and a slot for microSD card. It also has a USB port on the left and a power connector. The keyboard dock offers a typing experience that is efficient and comfortable though some keys are undersized and would be considered small. The camera captures bright, quick and sharp images and it has a resolution of 1080p. Generally the ThinkPad 10 shows major improvements from the previous models and it has friendly features that are recommendable for business purposes. It currently ranks high among other tablet brands in the market. Again, Lenovo hasn’t disappointed in terms of quality.

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What to Check Out For In Laptops and Smartphones

What to Check Out For In Laptops and Smartphones

written by: JAMMY20

The world of smartphones and laptops is growing and become more diverse each and every day. Companies such as Xiaomi, Samsung, Nokia and Apple are coming up with new features in their subsequent device releases to put up with the competition as well as give their consumers the ultimate gadget. Everything counts: from the simple features such as screen size, body thickness, weight and colour all the way to the operating systems. To ensure that you have the device that suits your personal needs therefore you must consider what every smartphone and laptop manufacturer has done differently. Among the considerations to make are;

1. Battery life; most users opt for more extensive battery life. You can make this feature a top priority depending on how long you expect your device to serve you when not connected to a power source. Some renowned devices have come under heavy critics due to poor battery quality and you should always check out for that despite of the company’s reputation.

2. Internet connectivity; in the modern career and social life, Internet is almost becoming a basic need. You need it everywhere every time. You should therefore check the compatibility of the smartphone or laptop you buy with your internet source. Consider an in-built wireless antennae in your gadget.

Size; the size of a laptop or smartphone determines its portability as well as other features such as;

- Extended battery life.

- Processing speed

- Screen display and resolution.

When buying them therefore, its purpose should guide you to the size you would like to have. Netbooks are common with career men who are constantly traveling, the medium sizes are convenient with students due to their small lightweight size. Small sized laptops and smartphones have a longer battery life due to smaller screen display. However the display may be not compatible with some activities such as heavy displays.

Operating systems and processors; Linux, windows and mac OS X are the primary operating systems though there are others. Different people have different tastes for operating systems and you have to ensure the laptop you buy is compatible with the choice of your operating system. Smartphones such as iPhone series, Samsung galaxy notes, and Xiaomi MI series come with better and improved operating systems too. Each operating system has its own strengths. Ensure you know them before choosing the gadget you buy. The optical drives, processing chips and graphics cards should also be a key consideration.

Laptops and smartphones are available for almost all individuals in different economic levels. Price is therefore not a major concern. You can be guaranteed to get one at any reasonable amount of money. However, different dealers sell at varying prices hence you can shop for the most reasonable prices.

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Lawyers’ Professional Liability Insurance for the Distressed Risk

Professional liability insurance is a necessity for lawyers.  Unfortunately, not all lawyers are able to secure the coverage they need in the standard marketplace because they are considered to be a “distressed” risk.  The question is, what exactly does “distressed” mean?

Lawyers’ Professional Liability Insurance for the Distressed Risk

Professional liability insurance is a necessity for lawyers.  Unfortunately, not all lawyers are able to secure the coverage they need in the standard marketplace because they are considered to be a “distressed” risk.  The question is, what exactly does “distressed” mean?

A “distressed” risk is one that has difficulty securing professional liability insurance because of claim frequency, claim severity or disciplinary complaints or actions.  While “distressed” is often used interchangeably with “hard to place”, the two terms are different in that “hard to place” generally means the lawyer or law firm practices in a more risk prone practice category such as Personal Injury Plaintiff or Patent but is usually claim and disciplinary action free.  If the term “distressed” describes the loss or disciplinary history of a law firm, the firm faces many more challenges in finding professional liability insurance and generally has to settle for less coverage at a considerably higher premium.  The good news is that there are a few markets available, operating on a surplus lines basis, to meet the professional liability needs of the “distressed” law firm.

Surplus lines is often referred to in a negative connotation because the insurance product is not protected by any state insurance guaranty association nor is the policy form and rates charged subject to regulation and approval of the State Insurance Commissioner.  However, not all surplus lines insurers are created equal.  Surplus lines insurers are subject to review by the insurance company rating agencies such as A.M.  Best and are generally published as an “Approved Surplus Lines Company” by state insurance departments.  Before committing an insurance purchase to a surplus lines company, law firms should check with their state insurance department to be sure that the company is an approved surplus lines insurer and that it carries an A.M. Best rating of at least A VII.  Many admitted professional liability companies will have a surplus lines facility to accommodate those applicants or insureds that do not qualify under their standard program guidelines, but would be acceptable on a surplus lines basis if a more acceptable premium could be charged for the exposure presented.  There are several A and even A+ markets to approach in this arena.

To find an adequately rated surplus lines insurer that can be trusted to provide the needed coverage should a claim be presented often involves finding a broker that specializes in professional liability and deals regularly with distressed placements.  As a general rule, most brokers that offer lawyers professional liability as a full time product line will have an insurance company or “distressed facility” that they have worked with successfully in the past.  It is best to find a broker that is familiar with the policy form and claims handling ability of the company they are recommending.

Here are some valid questions to ask a broker about the insurance company offering coverage:

Does the insurance company specialize in professional liability?
Is it an approved surplus lines insurer in the state and rated at least A VII by Best?
Does the insurance company oversee its own claims handling or farm that responsibility out to an independent adjustment firm or third party administrator?
Will the claims adjuster provide you with a listing of law firms in your state from which to choose your defense counsel and will the company work with you to consider a firm you recommend?
Is the insurance company willing to defend a spurious claim in order to protect your reputation in the community, or do they have a “get out the check book mentality” to close the claim regardless?
Will the insurance company regularly communicate the status of the claim with you and seek your input as to settlement or defense strategies?

Once a viable insurance company has been identified, it pays to examine the policy form and discuss strengths and weaknesses of the coverage provisions with the broker.  The broker should provide a list of “coverage highlights” that discuss not just positive marketing advantages, but important coverage restrictions as well.

One of the most important coverage features to be aware of when purchasing professional liability coverage is the availability of prior acts coverage under the policy.  Distressed markets often offer terms “retro inception” which means that the policy’s prior acts retroactive date will be the same as the policy’s effective date.  On a Claims-Made policy, the act(s) that resulted in the claim must have occurred after the policy’s retroactive date.  That situation is also known as a “no prior acts” or “restricted prior acts” policy.  If the policy has restricted prior acts coverage, an Extended Reporting Period (ERP) option will need to be purchased from the expiring insurance company.  An ERP can be a very economic decision as, often times, the terms will be based on rates that were provided by the standard marketplace and not surcharged for claims or disciplinary problems.  A broker should be able to advise the pros and cons of purchasing this option, but two things that should be considered are:

Is the option cancelled automatically if your license to practice is suspended?
Will open claims exhaust the limit of liability under the policy?

Other policy provisions that can be restricted on a distressed policy form are:

Policy’s consent-to-settle provision
Specific exclusions for certain practice areas such as SEC
Specific exclusions for certain types of legal malpractice actions such as a counterclaim as a result of a fee collection suit
Defense costs are generally included within and erode the limit of liability
Coverage is generally limited to acts performed on behalf of the named insured named in the policy declarations which can limit predecessor firm coverage, individual prior acts coverage and outside moonlighting activities
Extended reporting period options are restricted in length to 12 months or 36 months and are considerably more expensive than the standard marketplace

To receive the most favorable terms possible when submitting an application for professional liability insurance, a good point to remember is that you are the best representative of your practice exposure going forward.  Underwriters that offer a distressed facility are not so concerned with the number and amount of past claims or even that the firm has been censored by the state bar, but that the underlying problems leading up to the claims or disciplinary ruling have been identified and addressed.  A sincere, honest approach with full disclosure on claims or any other problem that has put the firm in this situation is always the best approach.  Include a narrative of the systems and procedures that have been put in place to reduce the likelihood of similar claims in the future.  Include comments on the merits of the claimant’s claim.  Tell the underwriter what was done right during the representation.  If at all possible, include loss reports from previous insurers showing actual paid and reserved amounts.  If the underwriter has to interpret the value of the claim, it will likely be higher than the actual reserve that the insurance company has set.  Take an active interest in the payments and reserves set for the open claim and be informed on the status of the claim on a regular basis.

If you are a small or mid-sized law firm that has experienced difficulty finding lawyers professional liability insurance due to paid claims or disciplinary actions, DefenseProSM Lawyers Professional Liability may be able to help.  Administered by Lockton Risk Services, a subsidiary of Kansas City-based Lockton Companies, the largest independently-owned commercial insurance broker in the United States, DefenseProSM is specifically designed to meet the professional liability needs of distressed law firms.

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Medical Malpractice

Though there are many factors in choosing a good attorney in a medical malpractice case, one of the trickiest is whether to choose a lawyer who works on contingency, that is, on contingency of a recover, or one who charges by work on an hourly basis.
In medical malpractice cases, people are probably most familiar with a lawyer who works on a contingency basis.

Medical Malpractice

Though there are many factors in choosing a good attorney in a medical malpractice case, one of the trickiest is whether to choose a lawyer who works on contingency, that is, on contingency of a recover, or one who charges by work on an hourly basis.
In medical malpractice cases, people are probably most familiar with a lawyer who works on a contingency basis.  As he will describe it to you, this means he doesn’t get paid unless you actually collect a judgment or settlement.

Though this is an attractive option to those strapped for cash, it should be noted that such an attorney is highly motivated to make a settlement as large as possible and may make decisions that will be in his best interest rather than yours.  For instance, you’re interested in suing the doctor who failed to set your leg properly.  Your contingency fee lawyer however may look at the doctor who is just out of medical school, swamped in educational debt, and who owns about 0% of the practice and wonder what’s really in it for him.

What happens next, is the lawyer starts asking about the accident.  So you slipped on the banana peel in the parking lot of the major deep-pocketed superstore?  Well, why didn’t you say so!

And the next thing you know, you’re suing a multi-national corporation for millions of dollars of which your lawyer is taking a “customary” 90 percent.

These are the lawyers you’ll find advertised on TV and in your local yellow pages, usually on the back cover, and in full-page, full-color ads on the inside.  They’re generously lathered with sympathetic platitudes about your pain and suffering and how they only want to “help.”

A simple word of advice here is that if you can only afford to sue on a contingency basis, call around and find a lawyer who will do it for less than half of the settlement or judgment.  This is more than reasonable and should help you weed out the real parasites.  Also make sure that the attorney in question doesn’t express an interest in going after parties other than the one that caused you grief.  Remember, it was the doctor who set your leg improperly, which led to complications, which led to surgery, etc.
Ideally, and if you can afford it, it is definitely best to hire your malpractice attorney the same way you’d hire an attorney on any other basis, and that’s hourly.  Yes, this runs into quite a bit of cash at first, but you’ll have to keep the lawyer on less of a leash, and you’ll be able to trust his advice a little more easily as you won’t constantly be wondering if his advice is in your best interest or his.

Overall, a hourly-paid lawyer is probably going to be more trustworthy than his contingency-fee counterpart (though that doesn’t mean you don’t look over those billing records with the proverbial fine toothed comb!) and you’re less likely to be dragged into quixotic legal forays with a cash-hungry shyster.

On the other hand, if it’s the only affordable solution, shop around for a contingency-fee lawyer, making sure the one you choose is taking less than 50 percent and is willing to focus on the party that actually caused you the pain and suffering, not an oblivious third party with deep pockets.  Under these conditions, you should do fine.

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Internet Is A Gold Mine For Mesothelioma Lawyers

One man's misery can be another man's fortune. This seems to be the case with the mesothelioma victims on the one hand and mesothelioma lawyers on the other. An online feeding frenzy is currently taking place. The average mesothelioma case today is settled at around 1 million dollars, and that figure jumps to 6 million dollars when the lawsuit goes to the courts.

Internet Is A Gold Mine For Mesothelioma Lawyers

One man's misery can be another man's fortune. This seems to be the case with the mesothelioma victims on the one hand and mesothelioma lawyers on the other. An online feeding frenzy is currently taking place. The average mesothelioma case today is settled at around 1 million dollars, and that figure jumps to 6 million dollars when the lawsuit goes to the courts. With such enormous money to be made, legal firms are hungry for a slice of the action, and are shelling out big money for online visitors. The result is that search engines and other sites that can supply them with those visitors are racking up huge revenue.

It works like this. In the sponsored listings of search engines, clicks (visitors) are auctioned off to the highest bidder. When someone searches “mesothelioma”, the highest-bidding law firms appear. With the keen competition, these firms are paying as much as $100 per mesothelioma-related visitor to their web site. That’s $100 every time someone just clicks on their ad - and a lot of the clicks are from competitors. Less than one in ten visitors may actually submit an inquiry about the services of the legal firm. And only a fraction of the inquiries convert into clients. Therefore, it is costing lawyers tens of thousands of dollars in advertising to secure a single client.

There is something truly obscene about this situation. But, it is inevitable that while there is huge money to be made from litigation, lawyers and publishers will continue to hustle for their slice of the action. You can even find these vultures on YouTube making an undignified pitch for business. If only a portion of the money could be directed to cancer research. Perhaps these legal firms and others who profit from this horrendous disease should consider donating a portion of their gains to research organizations. By doing so, they may appear a little more genuine and less like vultures.

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer linked to asbestos exposure. In fact, 70% to 80% of mesothelioma cases are caused by a history of exposure to asbestos. It can take decades for the symptoms to appear. Each year, approximately 2,000 to 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma are reported. In the past 20 years, the number of reported cases has increased significantly. Although it can take up to 50 years for symptoms to manifest, mesothelioma patients experience a host of symptoms. These include shortness of breath, or a wheezing and hacking cough, which often lead to chest or abdominal pain. In the more serious cases, individuals may have bowel blockages, anaemia, a bloody cough, and jaundice. It is extremely difficult to secure accurate statistics about how many individuals suffer from mesothelioma because in the early stages, the symptoms are quite similar to various other conditions. This often leads to a misdiagnosis of the disease. In addition, when an accurate diagnosis is finally made, the disease has typically already progressed to a more advanced stage.

With the renovation craze that has occurred in the past 2 or 3 decades in countries such as Australia and the US, it is expected that the high rates of diagnosis will continue for decades to come. And as long as there is money to be made from this disease, the vultures will also be around.

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